Coleco Style Handheld Update 2

Here’s where I need to start by thanking the folks at for doing the scan and providing the .stl files for print. They did a wonderful job. There IS a texture, it’s just difficult to see in the white material. It’s not bad though. For the base, I actually like the texture – the originals weren’t perfectly smooth on the base piece it looks like anyway. And for the hood area, artwork will e covering up most of the large flat areas. The back is perfectly smooth (because that’s what sat on the print bed) I haven’t decided if I’ll sand any smoother or not. One thing I do need to do is recreate the control panel area. It’s currently set up for 6 buttons, two joysticks, and a d-pad. WAY too much to be authentic. I’m thinking joystick, two game buttons, and a service of some sort, like start.


I have finished two more pieces of art: the topper and marquee. For the marquee, I followed the donkey kong guidelines for Coleco handheld, and only left the named-character, in this case Felix. So, I had to remove the woman holding the pie and wralph. Recreating the brick pattern where the woman was was the most difficult part. For the topper, I took two characters from the bezel area just like DK. I’m doing all art in Illustrator.

I should add – I’m not redrawing or vectorizing the decals completely by scratch. I’m starting with artwork that has been shared numerous times here on the board (I think much of it originally done by Ridicrick), using the tracer/pathfinder tool when necessary. So, thank you to all who have contributed to the Felix graphics.Coleco-Handheld-Decals_Finished-01

Updates to the Game

I added another level (up to 4 now) and created a sound effect when you die. Mainly, I just have to create 3 more levels and I’m done. I don’t want to go overboard here (since the original games were so simple) but if people have ideas on how to improve, I’m all ears! The final level should have 5 columns of bricks and 2 rows of ducks.

YouTube or my video recording seems to dull the colors a bit. They look a good deal brighter when actually playing.

I think I have to tweak the duck generator, they’re popping out pretty frequently…